Go way beyond stocks and bonds

PitchBoard connects accredited investors with opportunities of the ultra-wealthy, for free.

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  • $4bn

    in deals posted on the platform

  • $964mm

    total member capital

Access a full suite of private investments. Zero fees.

The problem we solve

For accredited investors, finding alternative investment opportunities is hard. You are either limited by who you know, or you see limited selection from revenue-focused intermediaries.

Our solution

One platform – many options

End-to-end private investment opportunities

  • Venture Capital
  • Private Equity
  • Hedge fund
  • Real Estate
  • Private Credit

You don’t have to outsmart public markets on your own

Alternatives mitigate the limitations of stock-and-bond portfolios by providing access to the diversification, yield and downside protection that push the boundaries of traditional asset classes.

We connect you with top money managers with backgrounds from the best financial institutions in the world, like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and JP Morgan.

Enjoy an array of strategic options that allow you to invest in something that matters to you with PitchBoard.

How do I get started?

OneGet Verified

Signup and complete our brief verification process. Only accredited investors with a net worth of at least $1mm or annual salary of $200k are accepted


TwoConnect & Find Funds

Find private investments that fit your portfolio. Invest directly with managers you trust.


ThreeKeep Your Portfolio Fresh

Stay nimble in response to market developments by keeping your portfolio fresh with emerging opportunities.


Ready to join our exclusive network of high net worth investors?

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