Attract new investors.
Attract new investors.
At PitchBoard, we are connecting high-net-worth investors to top-tier money managers. High-net-worth capital is critical for managers to scale their offerings, yet it remains difficult to access as it’s super-fragmented, blocked by gate-keepers, and complicated by regulatory restrictions on marketing. We’ve developed a unique technology platform that lowers these barriers and helps put money managers in the driver’s seat.
Create a fund profile that delineates fund details you prefer like performance and strategy, and get in front of a community of high-net-worth investors with the ability and desire to put capital to work with smart managers
Get away from third-party capital providers that offer pricey and fast money; connect directly with investors that have long time horizons
See one new investor become multiple new investors as recommendations allow you to quickly scale and get exposure to new networks
Disseminate views and content generated through your normal investment process to build a following
Showcase your investment acumen and build awareness for your strategy
Allow the quality of your ideas and investment performance to drive your access to capital versus connections and pedigree
Get discovered by new investors and tap into new networks by being recommended
Invite your strongest proponents - your anchor investors, to the platform and get access to a “second degree” network of their high-net-worth peers